There are tasks you should perform several times a year, for example three to four times a year:

Mattresses: We are vacuuming once a month, but they should be cleaned thoroughly several times a year. There are different ways: foam spray for dry cleaning, foaming in a pot with water and a squirt of dish soap, and the most effective steam cleaning. If you have a steam cleaning appliance will obtain give very deep cleaning to your mattress, if not, there are now some companies that specialize in providing professional cleaning services for mattresses, find some in your town, surely you will stay satisfied.
In case of cleaning yourself can find some spots. If they are not deep try removing them with a paste of baking soda and water and scrub with a old toothbrush. Let dry and remove by vacuuming. If not, try with diluted vinegar with two parts of water, sprayed on the stain and let stand ten minutes. After this time, sprinkle baking soda over the vinegar mixture into the mattress. When dry remove by vacuuming.
I advise you to remove stains at the time they occur, so that it is easier to remove.
Once clean, flip the mattress, so it does not deform on one side.
A good practice is to place a mattress cover to protect clean and last longer.
Wash the stuffing of cushions, pillows, duvets, to avoid bad odors.
A tip: try to do these cleanups coinciding with changes of season, as in the case of having allergy sufferers at home will help them not to worsen your allergies.

Thoroughly clean the refrigerator, freezer and chest freezer: it is very important to do a good cleaning, emptying the appliance. In the case of the chest freezer and freezer should be defrost to remove any traces of frost that may form (although it is assumed that current models and do not ice). Clean with warm water and dish soap trays and compartments, clean well with toothbrush gaskets sealing the doors and check that they are undamaged. Wash inside the appliance with vinegar diluted in water, which helps deodorize and remove stains. Dry well and put back the food inside, takes to organize them: not heap up things as the refrigerator needs to have space between the foods to circulate the air, try to set things to higher background and smaller in front, so it will be easier to check out what to replace and avoid possible accidents.
Always store food in hermetic containers, avoid spills and other food odors permeate. It’s important to clean stains at the time at which they occur, as some foods contain pigments that can stain the inside of the appliance.
In the chest freezer and freezer place the food always bag or plastic containers because if not the cold may burn them. Always write the date you froze and the date should be consumed.
Clean the filters of the air conditioner and the extractor hood: read the manufacturer's instructions, in some types of appliances are advised to change every three months, four and six months. But it is important to incorporate it into our routine cleaning.
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